MANGCHI - The Best
Part one of the Tong Tang Trilogy...
Directed and Edited by Paco Raterta

Mangchi plays live at Viva! Pomona

Directed and Edited by Paco Raterta

Witness the genesis of genius in ‘MANGCHI’.
Featuring appearances by David Choe, Steve Lee, Money Mark, Dylan Fujioka, Eddie Kim, Heather Leather, Gillian Rivers, Ceci Dee Cee, James Jean, Bobby Lee, Bobby Hundreds, Critter Fleming, Bill Poon, Bobby Trivia, Prince Paul, Charm Killings, Desirée Elyda, Asa Akira, James Jean, Daniel Wu & Die Antwoord.
Directed & Edited by Paco Raterta

Mangchi is for the children, but this video sure as shit ain't. There are things in this life that you can't un-see, so proceed only if you're ready to enter the violent vault that is our mangled Mangchi madness! Who's this mysterious character that comes through the slum in a conundrum? Follow and find out as he's awakened on a VHS vision quest which takes him through the cities and slums of a nameless country. Running wild on a reckless journey wielding a gun and a hammer, this shit has everything including a zombie boxer with gun-gloves! Does it make sense? Hell no! But it's fun as fuck so follow along as we make The Raid and Oldboy look like romantic comedies in a music video which shows that the only thing that's madder than Mad Max is a Mangchi. Use it.
Directed and Edited by Paco Raterta.

From the warehouses and brothels of some mangled mountainside our hero Steve Lee scours the scorched earth searching for the one and only GookBoy: Peter Tong. You’ve seen him everywhere, wearing a mini-backpack, carrying way too many books, waving his long bangs that block his looks; with glasses that magnify his eyes and his eyes almost every time clogged with the membranes of mucus from tears shed earlier. You might call him a nerd; we call him the cure. This isn’t some sorry meditation, this is Mangchi- we’re goth, we're sensitive and most of us are close to 40 years old if we haven't already gotten there. Point being it's never too late to love yourself and we mean more than touching. Don't forget to fret and remember to remember that there is no one that can do anything for you. You have to work. And never stop.
Directed and Edited by Paco Raterta. Shot by Lulu and Jason Jaworski. Additional footage by Czar Campos and Paco Raterta. Special Thanks Christian Acuña, Genevieve Iñumerable, Vanessa Ulgado and Jessica Yang.

About half the world’s couples end up in divorce and the other half, well, they end up married. Not sure what’s worse, but if you’re one of the many out there that has a split up home this song’s for you. Look, it’s hard to love your step dad, the main reason being that he’s giving it to your mom. But hey, this world’s about forgiveness isn’t it? Look beyond that dude’s mini member and you’ll probably see an okay guy (unless your mom has horrible taste in men, which she probably does). Just remember, it could be worse, your step dad could be like Steve’s: a ghetto gangster gun midget from the alleys and abandoned factories of some slum in the southeast. Even this guy though- he ain’t so bad for a step dad. This is Mangchi. We accept everyone that does and doesn’t matter.
Directed and Edited by Paco Raterta. Shot by Lulu and Jason Jaworski. Additional footage by Czar Campos and Paco Raterta. Special Thanks Christian Acuña, Genevieve Iñumerable, Vanessa Ulgado.

Everyone loves an underdog. If you’re one of the many afflicted by bullies out there, this song is for you. And if you’re a bully- F you. This is about taking the definition of a bully, someone who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker, and turning and taking that power and putting it straight up into that bully’s behind. And really, most bullies after high school, or whatever pool of a place they’re from, go out into the real world which strangles their hard hearts into an even greater mess than whatever they've done. They always lose. No one deserves a bully and a bully deserves no one. Don’t feel sorry for yourself and don’t feel sorry for them. The only way to become a champion is to keep fighting. This is Mangchi. There’s a different season for everyone, but for the bully it’s fall.
Directed and Edited by Paco Raterta. Shot by Lulu and Jason Jaworski. Additional footage by Czar Campos adn Paco Raterta. Special Thanks Christian Acuña, Genevieve Iñumerable, Vanessa Ulgado.